If it's a part of geek culture, we're going to talk about it.
Heroes And Top 5: 2016

Heroes And Top 5: 2016

You’ve seen the memes all over the internet, your co-workers have talked about it and you, yourself, have said it…2016 was a tough year. But here at Heroes And, we like to see the glass half-full, even when talking about the year that was 2016. So here’s a celebration of our favorite Top 5 favorite geek moments of 2016. #HeroesAnd

Heroes And Rogue One

Heroes And Rogue One

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and that means a new Star War is out. On today’s episode, Team H& talk about Heroes and Rogue One. The movie focuses on the events leading up to SW Episode IV: A New Hope but does it find it’s proper place in the Star Wars Universe? Does it deliver on the same level as the other Star Wars movies? Listen up and “may the Force be with us”.  #HeroesAnd

Heroes And Top 5: Board Games

Heroes And Top 5: Board Games

The newest member of Team H&, Amos, joins Andy as they discuss, Heroes & Top 5: Board Games. Team H& usually doesn’t talk about board games but they really are great and don’t get enough credit for it. Also, with the holidays here instead of having awkward conversations & interactions with your family, bust out one of these board games and really enjoy your time with them. JK! Your family is great #HeroesAnd

Heroes And Spotlight – Doctor Strange

Heroes And Spotlight – Doctor Strange

The next Marvel film, Doctor Strange, is getting ready to be released later this week so what better time learn about this iconic Marvel character. For reason, this week Team H& is talking about Heroes & Spotlight: Doctor Strange. Cody and Andy unpack the character’s origin, history and share their expectation for the latest MCU film. #HeroesAnd