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The DC TV Universe is expanding and it is great! For today’s episode, Team H& talk about Heroes & Spotlight: Legends of Tomorrow. In...
As much as you try to stay relevant and “in the know”, you can’t always experience every movie, T.V. show, video game or comic book as soon as they...
In order to have a superhero, there must a villain in the story…and a good one at that. For today’s episode, Team H& talk about Heroes &...
Before 2016 arrives, Team H& wants to take a moment to look back and reflect on what a great year it was. For today’s episode, Team H& talks...
This topic is so good, Team H& needed 2 episodes to talk about it all. This is episode 2 of, Heroes & Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Team...
It has finally arrived; the movie we all have been waiting for is finally here. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is out and Team H& can’t get enough...
With next year being right around the corner, movie studios are beginning to release movie trailers for their 2016 blockbusters. Two of the biggest...
Unfortunately it has happened to you, me, to all of us. Either you were the victim or the guilty party. But enough is enough; it is time to set up...
Since Team H& talk about heroes, it was only a matter of time before they talked about the other end of the spectrum. On this episode, Team...
In a new episode format, Team H& disagrees and is ready argue. They’ve said, “shots fired” before, but this time that’s the endgame. For their...
It is here. The time to act is now. No time left to prepare. On today’s episode, Team H& talks about Heroes and Zombie Survival Plan. The...
He’s head on fire, he rides a sick motorcycle, and he goes by the name: The Spirit of Vengeance. On today’s episode, Team H& talks about Heroes...