Michael Scott

Some people, like myself, were never meant to be sales people. Despite all of the mission trips I have been on in my life (over 20) fundraising has never been easy for me. There are people who have great plans and millions of ideas, or do what they saw on Pinterest, or even do car washes and host a Chick-Fil-A night. All of that sounds complicated to me. Luckily, I have those people helping me. 

We are having a BBQ lunch. It was my brother-in-law’s idea because he loves cooking BBQ. He also has a new company that sells his own concoctions of BBQ rub, Kowalski Cooks. All of our friends and family want to be a part of the process. We are feeling blessed already by those who have donated and the event is weeks away. 


Now I’m only going to share this because I’m writing a painfully honest blog here! While looking up ideas about fundraising I came across an article. This man was writing the article for the Huffington Post, but they rejected it. I do not agree with anything that he is saying and hopefully you don’t think that this is why we are fundraising. I will just repeat Thumper’s mom, from Bambi, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”


Now that you have seen the negative opinion, I would like to focus on the positive. The fees that we are paying and will pay to Bethany Christian Services come out to about $25,000. The fees are requested at different increments and go toward: training for the adoptive family, legal fees, hospital fees, counseling for the birth mother before and after, and more. 

So much love and care for a baby we haven’t even met yet. I know I will be able to say that it was worth all of this effort. 

Michael: Did you see Oprah yesterday? Pam: No, I didn’t. Michael: I, uh… I am going to be a father. Pam: What was Oprah about? ~The Office

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