The Green Light
“You can’t repeat the past.” -The Great Gatsby
Everyone has a crazy story! This is ours…
Around 3pm on Wednesday, November 1, my mom’s preacher called me. I’ve known him and his family a long time, but this was out of the blue. A couple, our age, walked up to the church in Kissimmee and wanted to talk to someone. Their 11mos old daughter was in DCF custody, Department of Children and Families, and they wanted to find her a good forever family. They set a time to come back that night to the church and meet again after some research.
Oscar was driving home from his mom’s house and I was working at the church. After several emotional phone calls we wanted to know more. My mom and sister attend that church and jumped at the opportunity to help. They all sat down together and talked about what this adoption might look like.
(At this point in my writing) We haven’t even met or spoke to the birth parents yet, but already they love us and our family! This cute little ginger girl needs a stable home with parents who can take care of her and give her what she needs. Her birth parents want what is best for her and want to make her life better. It’s a blessing!
How is this different from before? We will not be using an agency this time. We are using an adoption attorney for this private adoption. We had talked about this as an option months before. There are differences with the state’s position as well. It will be as if she was born to us and won’t receive help from the state for college, etc.
We have prayer warriors encircling this whole thing! As we go further into the process there is only one way to explain it. You could say serendipity, coincidence, fate or you could see it for what it is…God’s timing! We prayed for God to grow our family. When plan A didn’t succeed we tried again. It would be easy to lose hope after so long.
Now that we have met and spent time with her birth parents we can move forward. They are willing, helpful, and signed consent already. We have begun the legal proceedings and continue to pray, along with many others, that God’s plan is happening here. Our placement hearing is on January 10th and we are so excited!